" Vascular Pioneers: Evolution of a Specialty"
A 52 minute Documentary • Order DVD Online!!

"Vascular Pioneers: Evolution of a Specialty" chronicles the story of this young and rapidly changing field of medicine, as told by pioneering physicians who have revolutionized the treatment of vascular disease.

From the 20th century battlefields that led to innovations in surgical repair of arteries to 21st century application of minimally invasive endovascular techniques, surgeons from John Hunter to Michael DeBakey and Juan Parodi exemplify how medical innovation results from individual vision.

This 52-minute documentary includes interviews with 20 prominent physicians. Part I tells the history of vascular medicine. Part II is a lively and controversial discussion among key players in the field regarding the challenges and opportunities presented by evolving approaches to the treatment of vascular disease today.

"Vascular Pioneers:
Evolution of a Specialty"

A Film by Burt Cohen

Executive Producer
Hugh G. Beebe, MD, FACS

Made Possible By
An Educational Grant From
John Abele
Founder Chairman
Boston Scientific Corporation

© 2003 Venture Digital LLC

The following individuals appear in
" Vascular Pioneers: Evolution of a Specialty"

John Abele • Hugh G. Beebe, MD, FACS
Peter R. F. Bell, MD, FRCS • Ramon Berguer, MD, FACS
F. William Blaisdell, MD, FACS • Simon Chaplin
Timothy A. M. Chuter, MD • Clement R. Darling, III, MD, FACS
Michael E. DeBakey, MD, FACS • James A. DeWeese, MD, FACS • Edward B. Diethrich, MD, FACS • Thomas J. Fogarty, MD, FACS • Richard M. Green, MD, FACS • Julius H. Jacobson, II, MD, FACS • Barry T. Katzen, MD • Michael L. Marin, MD, FACS • James May, AC, MD • Takao Ohki, MD • Juan C. Parodi, MD • Norman M. Rich, MD, FACS • Darren Schneider, MD
C. Richard Stueve, RT • Frank J. Veith, MD, FACS

You may purchase this DVD and other products through our online store. The price is $29.95 and it is currently being offered in combination with our documentary "PTCA: A History" for a $10.00 discount and free shipping

Table of Contents

Part One: A Brief History

Chapter 1: An overview of vascular surgery from mid-18th century England and John Hunter, the "pioneer of scientific surgery", through the M.A.S.H. units of the Korean War. (Running time 6:04)

Chapter 2: With the lessons learned on the battlefield and new materials available, pioneering surgeons develop prosthetic grafts, new operations, and a "golden age" of vascular surgery spanning 4 decades begins. (Running time 6:02)

Chapter 3: The next wave of change begins with the move toward minimally invasive medicine, not without significant resistance, as well as technological hurdles. (Running time 8:37)

Chapter 4: The start of the 21st century ushers in a new period of transition, a melding of surgical and endoluminal approaches that redefines vascular surgery. (Running time 6:19)

Part Two: The Future
A Discussion of the Issues
Confronting Vascular Surgery Today

Chapter 5: Competition among the specialties of vascular surgery, interventional radiology and interventional cardiology and the possibility of Collaboration. (Running time 9:05)

Chapter 6 : How do these new advances impact on the Training of new surgeons and the establishment of vascular surgery as a Separate Specialty. (Running time 7:23)

Chapter 7: Will the mixing of new technologies and medical specialties lead to a new specialty, The Vascular Therapist? What will The Future hold? (Running time 9:34)

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